
Day 1 – Saturday Morning (May 14)    8:30-11:30am

Welcome to Day 1 of the Cuddle Sanctuary Workshop Facilitator Training Program! On our first busy morning together, we’ll get to know each other and dive right into learning the basics of how to facilitate three elements of a good cuddle:

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Opening Circle


Body and Breath


You’ll be learning experientially every step of the way. We’ll begin with a demonstration of the element that we’re working on. From there we’ll deconstruct it in a group discussion. After that, you’ll get a chance to try it out. I’ll provide feedback so we can all learn from each other. All feedback will be constructive and respectful. Each participant will get tips and suggestions for how to take their skills to the next level.


Day 1 – Saturday Afternoon (May 14)      1:30-4:30pm

After lunch, we’ll charge forward by exploring three more important elements of Cuddle Sanctuary:

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The Boundary Exercise

Hug/No Hug Exercise

Group Debriefs

This portion of the day will allow us to delve into the important interpersonal work that creates a safe and trusting environment for participants. By the end of the afternoon, your mind will be full of ideas and your brain will deserve a break. That’s why it will be important to take some relaxing time to rest, have dinner and prepare for the evening’s event.

Day 1 – Saturday Evening (May 14)    7:15-11:00pm


On Saturday night, you’ll join us for a classic Cuddle Sanctuary event. You’ll be experiencing the event from  the perspective of a facilitator.  I’ll provide you a list of things to observe. For those who feel ready, you’ll have a chance to guide a part of the cuddle yourself!

Day 2 – Sunday Morning (May 15)   8:30am-12:00pm

We’ve got lots to do on Sunday so we’ll be meeting bright and early. We’ll start off with a debrief of Saturday’s day of learning. From there we’ll analyze how to set up the following experiences:

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 6.10.21 PMPaired Practice

Group Practice

Demonstration 1 (Asking one person for touch)

Sunday morning’s lesson helps us help our participants cross a threshold towards more touch and less facilitation. All of our careful work creating trust and transparency leads to this moment. It takes strong leadership to set up both the paired and group practice. And you’ll be getting all the tips you need. Setting up a demonstration for participants is an artform. We’ll explore best practices on how to do it and as with everything in the training – you’ll have time to practice and receive feedback.


Day 2 – Sunday Afternoon (May 15)  1:30pm-5:30pm

After lunch we’ll have a powerful afternoon exploring these final elements of a cuddle workshop:

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 6.13.19 PMDemonstration 2 (Asking to join a group)

Guided Cuddle Lab

Closing Circle

At this point in the cuddle, you’ll be setting the stage for even less facilitation.  It’s the part of the event that our participants savor. And by finishing the event with a well-guided closing circle, we end the experience on a strong note and keep your cuddle community coming back for more.

On Sunday afternoon, you’ll receive lots of group and individual feedback from myself and your peers. This will be especially useful to you as you prepare for next week’s practicum where you will facilitate portions of a cuddle in one of two community cuddle events. You’ll be assigned homework to complete during the week that will help you get ready for the practicum. We’ll go over what to expect and how to prepare so you can be at your best.

Day 3 – Saturday Morning (May 21) 8:30am-12:30pm

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Your practicum will involve co-facilitating one of two community cuddle events. You and your fellow students will set up, greet guests and each have a part to play in facilitating a cuddle workshop. There’s so much to learn when theory meets practice! We’ll debrief the morning, have lunch and then do it again in the afternoon.

Day 3 – Saturday Afternoon (May 21) 2:00pm-6:30pm

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You’ll continue your learning experience with the second community event of the day. Then – as quickly as it all started – we’ll be done. We’ll celebrate the end of your training and provide certificates for everyone who fulfills the attendance and participation requirements.



Are you ready for your adventure? We have a limited number of spots. Apply now!

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