I have this habit that I’m not too proud of. When the work of the day is done, when ideally I ought to be tucking into bed to get the right amount of sleep, I crack open my laptop for some “me time” which generally means to watch Netflix. I guess the reason I’m not proud of it is because I’ve been looking at a computer screen most of the day and to be attaching myself to it once again night after night feels a little souless for me.
In a bigger picture way, I think of our planet, the universe, the wonder and magic of even being here, alive. I have a limited number of days here, and so I feel bad to complete so many of those days watching re-runs of the West Wing until I my head lolls back and my mouth drops open.
One night a few weeks ago, I was on target to indulge in my haibt, when I received a text from a friend: Would you like to OM?
As you may know, OM stands for Orgasmic Meditation and it’s a fifteen-minute practice where one person gently strokes the clitoris another. This Indian fellow, Akram, was in the neighborhood because he likes to write at a nearby coffee shop. He said he could be over quite soon.
We greeted each other with a hug – we have already had two OMs and enjoyed several meaningful conversations. We set up a bunch of pillows and a towel and then there I was – rather than gazing at the stories of fictional people, I was connecting to a real person in a tender way.
After we said our good-byes, I was tempted to catch just a few minutes of blinking light on the screen. But I was firm with myself: Sweetheart, just go to bed.
I slept quite soundly.
Thank You for taking care of yourself 🙂