by Jean | Mar 9, 2015 | Sexual Esteem
What an honor it was to receive poems from across the country and around the world. It’s time to announce and congratulate the winners. Third prize goes to Annie Hopson for her poem entitled Self Cultivation. Here’s Annie’s poem: Unconditional. Making...
by Jean | Feb 23, 2015 | BDSM
I’m glad there’s so much controversy surrounding Fifty Shades of Grey. The film is inspiring important conversations about women, safety and the S&M community. As a sex educator who hosts introductory classes about S&M, I’m honored to be a part of that...
by Jean | Feb 13, 2015 | BDSM
I feel shy to admit to you that I was aroused by the book. While my colleagues and friends were saying that the the writing was terrible, I was too busy being titillated to notice. What did penetrate my consciousness as I breezed through the pages was that Christian...
by Jean | Feb 10, 2015 | Blog
Enter the Sexy Haiku Contest for creative fun and prizes. Prizes include free entry into Cuddle Sanctuary, a Sexual Esteem Telephone Coaching session and the grand prize – entry into my full day workshop, S&M: A Gentle Introduction on March 7th. I will also...
by Jean | Jan 27, 2015 | BDSM
Loved the book? Hated it? Heard about it and wonder what the hype is about? If you live in Los Angeles, let’s go to the movies! Sunday – February 15, 2015 @ 7:00pm. For those that feel like it, we’ll hang out after and discuss the film. Topics can include: How...