What Are the Rules of the (Cuddle) Road

This video is part of a series about an event called Cuddle Sanctuary. Cuddle Sanctuary is a three-hour experience. It begins with a short workshop and finishes with a long stretch of relaxing hang-out time.  The star of the show is safe, consensual touch. Cuddle...

Cuddle Sanctuary: Etiquette

This video is part of a series about an event called Cuddle Sanctuary. Cuddle Sanctuary is a three-hour experience. It begins with a short workshop and finishes with a long stretch of relaxing hang-out time.  The star of the show is safe, consensual touch. Cuddle...

What is Cuddle Sanctuary?

Cuddle Sanctuary is a three-hour event. It begins with a short workshop and finishes with a long stretch of relaxing hang-out time.  The star of the show is safe, consensual touch. Cuddle Sanctuary is a Rated G event – so it doesn’t include sexual touch. The kinds of...
Interview by Carol Queen

Interview by Carol Queen

I feel deeply proud to have been interviewed last week by legendary Carol Queen. Here’s the conversation courtesy of Good Vibrations: Meet Our Teachers–Jean Franzblau BY GOOD VIBRATIONS · 10/23/2014 TONIGHT we’re so happy to offer a brand-new workshop, all about...