Jean Franzblau is a sex-positive and consent-positive speaker who walks her talk. When she discovered the importance of her own sexual empowerment, she wrote a play about it and performed it in ten cities. When she realized how important hugs and affection are to her wellness, she founded Cuddle Sanctuary which has put on hundreds of events in Los Angeles.
Jean’s work has expanded into Hollywood. As an Intimacy Coordinator, she is the newest crew member on TV and film sets who advocates for actors who are asked to do scenes with simulated sex or nudity.
Jean has presented at sexuality conferences on both coasts and for audiences around the country and abroad. She is known for her energy, expressiveness and the ability to drive a point home for her audiences with laughter. Jean graduated cum laude from UCLA with a BA in Communications. You can find her writing in The Consent Guidebook and the sex-positive anthology, Embraceable. Jean has been featured on Good Mythical Morning, BuzzFeed, and Rolling Stone.