I finally took the workshop on Orgasmic Meditation. For those new to it, Orgasmic Meditation (or OM) is a partnered fifteen-minute meditation where the woman’s clitoris is gently stroked. The other partner (most often a man) is fully clothed; the woman is nude from the waist down. He uses a glove and lubricant. There are pillows placed strategically for the comfort of both parties.
The goal of the meditation is for the participants to pay attention. His attention is to, “touch her clit as if to feel it exquisitely with his finger (rather than rubbing to try to stimulate it).” Her focus is on the sensations she feels.
The partners don’t need to be boyfriend/girlfriend or even know each other for that matter. They both need to be versed in the specifics of the meditation by taking a class and to trust each other enough to do the practice.
Nicole Daedone taught the morning portion of the workshop. She’s the founder of One Taste – the hub of the Orgasmic Meditation movement – and the author of a book called, Slow Sex. The experience of being in her presence was a teaching in itself. She has a big, radiant, sexual energy pouring out of her. I don’t often speak of people in these terms – it’s appropriate language for Nicole Daedone.
Nicole made a point that morning that has stayed with me. She said that men have more access to their sexual energy while woman have more access to their emotional energy. Men need to have more outlets for feeling. Women need to have more outlets for their sexuality. We need one another to balance each other out.
Since the workshop, a certain reality that has been there all the time has become clear to me. Men are starved for sex and they are getting a raw deal. Women have over the generations shoved down their sexual desires and needs to the point that many don’t have access to them anymore. According to Naomi Wolf, author of the book, Vagina, one in three women report low sex drive. From what I’ve been reading there are a bunch of societal reasons for that. None of them have anything to do with our biology – which is sexual and animal and raw.
Men deserve more healthy, vigorous sex. Women deserve access to their authentic sexual selves.
I’ll share more about the OM Workshop in upcoming blogs. To whet your appetite, here’s a video from the Deepak Chopra YouTube Channel about OM.
wow — what a cool video — not just the OM technique but those two people learning about it!
It’s a strange and wonderful practice – that’s for sure!
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