My Darling Clitoris,
When I was younger and angrier, I was jealous of men. Men seemed to have such explosive, mind-bending orgasms. “Not fair!” I thought. What I didn’t know was that by being born a woman, I was gifted with the only body part whose function was pure pleasure. That, my sweet, is you. You’ve got an average of 8,000 sensory nerve endings. (The penis has 4,000!) The result is that when touched in just the right way, you are a bringer of delight.
I want to apologize, dear one, for approaching you in the past without much attention or care. Time and again I’ve wanted to feel good and just reached down and rubbed creating not-so-nice friction. Only last year did I learn the proper way to approach you – with lubricant! Just a little dab of lube or saliva and you melt into a gift of yumminess. How do you do it?
I just looked you up on Wikipedia. Whoa, you are complex!
“The clitoris [has] external and internal components. It consists of the glans, the clitoral body or shaft…the clitoral hood, two erectile bodies known as the corpora cavernosa, two clitoral crura and the vestibular or clitoral bulbs.”
Remember how I thought that you were somehow different and I felt “less than” and blogged about it? (Twice!) I thought you were too small! Now I know that you are perfect just as you are.
In fact, you’ve become such an important part of my life, that I’ve made a promise to myself to practice Orgasmic Meditation three times a week. As you know quite intimately by now, Orgasmic Meditation is a fifteen-minute experience where I relax into a nest of pillows and my OM partner strokes you with the tip of his left index finger. He wears gloves, and uses special, natural lubricant. And during those mini-sessions, you give us such adventures of connection, energy, intuition and creativity. You are more powerful than just a body part! Tapping into your current seems to create a doorway, a portal to something else, something spiritual and mysterious. I am in awe of you and your whole vulva package!
This week, three mornings in and row in bed, you and I have had some special moments haven’t we? Each climax creates a feeling of wholeness and happiness – all before 7:00am! Have I told you how much I appreciate you?
This morning, I raise a glass of smoothie and make a toast to you:
To my gorgeous healthy clitoris – my pleasure point, my sensation center, my delicious dot – to you.
To us.

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