There’s a whole population of curious people who are intrigued by kink but are afraid to be “found out.” This post offers four tips for those who’d like to keep their perverted sides private.

1. Don’t Do Your Kinky Research at Work or on a School Computer

Most companies have computer policies where they reserve the right to track any website you visit. To keep your peace of mind, enjoy your online explorations on your own computer, tablet or phone.

2. Create a New Email Address

Chances are your research will begin online – you’ll find books, videos, social websites and blogs. Start a fresh email address that’s for your sexy explorations only. Use a pseudonym that has nothing to do with your name, where you live or where you work or go to school – have fun creating a new identity:




This is the email address that you’ll use for your online communities like FetLife or your online subscriptions – to KinkAcademy for instance.

3. Use Anonymous Photos

Make your profile photos anonymous by not including your face.

One friend – Ruby Ryder – posts a photo that shows off just her sexy shoes. Another friend flaunts only her bodiced body below the neck.

This can be a fun and creative way for you to express yourself.

Another point about photos, if you’re at a kinky event, don’t pose for photos. It would be very easy for someone to accidentally tag you on Facebook – which you probably don’t want.

4. Be Very Selective About Giving Out Your Phone Number

Does your phone number reveal your identity? Try entering it into Google to check. And only give your number away to people that you have a reason to trust.

Go forth my private and perverted ones, and good luck in your explorations!

Screen Shot 2014-08-29 at 5.09.40 PMHere’s Ruby!